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Varga Ramóna

Anonymous, online psychological counseling

If you feel you need a psychologist but aren’t ready to talk about your problems live yet, I recommend my online, anonymous advice!


Specific individual and group therapies

Therapy is the process by which a patient finds his or her own path. I help with this, if necessary even online, anonymously.


Individual therapies

You can also turn to me with questions about self-knowledge, crisis situations, depression, anxiety problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and personality disorders.


What my patients say

How can I help

Psychosomatic diseases

In many cases, somatic complaints such as headaches, stomach cramps, and joint pain are caused by mental problems.

Way out of the crisis

If you feel you have been in a crisis and don’t know how to proceed, book an appointment with me and I will help you get a way out of your crisis!

Treatment of depression

Sad life events, the roller coaster of our emotions can trigger physical symptoms that can clearly indicate depression that needs to be treated as soon as possible!

Sexual, relationship problems

If you don’t even know the harmonious relationship from the news, you have constant problems with your partner both spiritually and sexually, don’t worry, ask for help!

Behavior, learning disabilities in childrens

Behavioral or behavioral disorder, which often manifests itself as a shortcut to learning difficulties, is a serious psychological burden for both the family and children.


Addiction problems are often caused by configurable conflicts and bottlenecks, which can be effectively changed during psychological counseling.

Teenager problems

Adolescents who leave childhood but are still in the process of becoming adults are in the crossfire of legal changes, this crisis and crisis are also creating problems that appear and need to be solved in everyday life.

Midlife crisis

The other side of the tensions caused by teenage problems is the midlife crisis experienced by parents and their case. Although it is not legal to experience a crisis in the Middle Ages, more and more people are experiencing it after certain life events have occurred.

Improving the quality of life in old age

All people go through changes as they age, and these are not only biological but also affect social relationships. In addition, depressive, anxious complaints, dementia, sleep disturbances, and psychosomatic symptoms can cause problems.


and statistics


standing patient


kind of specialization


positive feedback


healed patient

Pricing Plans

Microbiome consultation

545 USD
1999 AED
  • 6 weeks diet plan.

Psychosomatic diseases

350 USD
1285 AED
  • Psychosomatic disease consultation delves into the underlying emotional and psychological factors contributing to physical illnesses, providing evidence-based strategies to address the root causes and restore mind-body balance.

Online video consultation

140 USD
520 AED
  • At a pre-arranged time, online
  • Almost “live” counseling, with all its benefits
  • Mobile, no location, you can talk to your therapist anywhere
  • Even anonymously

Personal counselling

165 USD
600 AED
  • The traditional, most effective form of counseling
  • One-time personal meeting
  • There is no strict time limit, we spend as much time together as necessary
  • Direct, effective, motivational help