Narcissistic personality disorder is an existing disorder that can take many surprising forms. Meeting a narcissistic person can certainly cause shock, anger, or resentment to us, so it is need to know what we could expect. How it develops, what are the characteristics of narcissism and how to recognize it, the article reveals!
Of course, narcissism also has a healthy degree that can have a supportive effect on the individual, as everyone needs the love they feel for themselves, which is usually accompanied by a balanced state of mind, and the key is self-esteem.
A patient with narcissistic personality disorder basically feeds on his or her strong sense of shame and dissatisfaction with himself or herself, and in order to cope with or defend against it, he or she tries to project his or her own feelings on others. These people usually experience an injury in their childhood that inhibits the development of a healthy self-image, these traumas cause the development of narcissistic shame. Typically, he reacts hypersensitively to any criticism, sometimes with an outburst of anger. The subjects of such narcissistic outbursts of anger will be those who are closest to the narcissistic patient (spouse, children), as the patient expects from them the love he did not receive as a child. Another important narcissistic trait is the appearance of arrogance, complacency, and self-confidence, all of which are part of the defense mechanism. The narcissistic man constantly feels that he does not receive the attention and respect he deserves, often envies others, often fantasizes about success, fame, and is, of course, unusually selfish.
How to recognize the narcissistic person, what are the signs of narcissism?
1. A narcissistic person probably thinks that people can only have a positive opinion of him, so he talks a lot while trying to show how genius he/she is. Of course, she/he is convinced that others see it as such.
2. His or her relationships are extremely superficial and almost always lack empathy. She/he mainly focuses on how her/his relationships can help her/him feel better, enjoys finding an audience, but backwards shows little interest.
3. The narcissistic person is hard to get along with because, she/he feels better than others, so treats them condescendingly.
4. The characteristics listed and basically the bad behavior pattern is long lasting. We are not talking about a stage in life, such as a teenage rebellion, but a behavior that also determines adult life, a constant narcissistic personality disorder.
Like all diseases, narcissism has varying degrees, and not all of the traits listed can be observed in all of them. In protecting narcissistic patients, and in order to work with them on therapy, we must not forget that their behavior is the result of low self-esteem and excessive self-contempt, just a defense mechanism. If you think you have a relationship with a person with a narcissistic personality disorder, or if you perceive the symptoms yourself, contact me with confidence! My psychological counseling can also be used online, through various channels, even anonymously! Book an appointment to me quickly, conveniently HERE!